The elusive knife

Why, oh why do you disappear
when I need you the most.
Am frantic and desperate,
the needles on the clock smirk at my plight.

I search for you among the spoons,
in the sink, under the gas stove,
but you seem to have eloped with the peels of the fruits into the dustbin,
but alas you are not to be found there too.

I think of the places
where you may hide…
and viola !
I find you neatly cozying,
between the two pieces of a chocolate cake inside the fridge.

Your mocking look convinces me at last,
to find a partner for you ,
in such times of crisis.

And yes ,
I think I will do just that,
another new knife,
a partner for you,
and a permanent solution
for the elusive knife in my kitchen.

Now I have a family of knives,
which keep disappearing and appearing,
at regular intervals,
at their own sweet will and wish,
but who cares as long as my chores
are done,
And am well on my way to be in time…

(C) haseena dudekula 2018